Speaking at our 21 May meeting were the Wakatipu High School (WHS) ‘Hillary Challenge’ Team that competed in the annual multi-school event, held in the Tongariro National Park on the central plateau last October.  12 school teams competed, the winners being the experienced Motueka High School team.
The challenge, held over 5 days, involved teams of 8 in outdoor challenges that utilised teamwork and leadership whilst having fun.
The ‘Hillary Challenges’ involved individual team challenges (puzzles and problem solving), water activities, a 30km expedition tramp over 2 days, and a multi-sport race that comprised kayaking (8km), bike (28km), a run (10km) and a final 5km bike and run to the finish line.
To fundraise, the WHS team made and sold 4250 cheese rolls (with sponsored materials), held a Bingo Night, and carried out tree planting at Lake Hayes.  Queenstown Rotary, Queenstown Lions and Tanoshi restaurant contributed.
The team expressed their thanks to Queenstown Rotary for our sponsorship.