Our Guest Speaker on 20 February was our own Ross Beal.
We are aware of Ross and Rosanna’s commitment to the ‘Fountain of Peace’ organisation and its work in developing and supporting a home village in Uganda, for orphaned children, as well as a school for their residents plus the local community.
As the earlier residents grow older, the question of what they will do, post their schooling, began to occupy their minds. Ross and Rosanna have now turned their heads to the future education needs of the children in the care of Fountain of Peace, Uganda.
They are now focusing on a scholarship program that will ensure that the children, when aged 18-21, along with 5 other students that they are currently supporting, will be resourced so that they are able to aspire to and reach their educational goals be they tertiary or vocational. They will then have careers able to add value to Uganda’s economic development. The scholarship to each child will include course fees, resources and accommodation up to a value of NZ$3,000.
Ross and Rosanna have established the ‘Connor Beal Memorial Education Scholarship’ in memory of their late grandson, Connor, who succumbed to a rare form of blood cancer in 2011 at age 11. This scholarship will be the vehicle for providing this educational support.
“The educational scholarship will be Connor’s contribution to the lives of young Ugandan’s, providing an opportunity for them while giving purpose and meaning to a life taken from us so young”.
Ross also confirmed that he has concluded his role as a Trustee on the ‘Fountain of Peace Childrens Foundation NZ Board’ following a 11-year tenure.